One of the great things about FM

03 March 2021

is the variety that it can bring to our work.

Two customers approached us recently, each with very different needs, but both concerned about the costs and environmental impact of their business needs.

 The first customer was planning the set-up of a new office for a small team of IT professionals and needed to fully furnish the office for the team based in the Midlands.

With a limited budget and a very short time frame to complete this task, FMS managed to provide all of the desking, seating, meeting tables, IT screens, printers etc by sourcing  products from three different locations, utilising surplus furniture from other customer locations that we manage. This helped all parties and avoided the environmental impact of producing new product and disposing of redundant kit.

Everything was delivered and installed as scheduled and our customer is now set up and running successfully in their new facility.


The second customer wanted us to provide a solution to heating of a swimming pool that was using an inefficient gas boiler set up to heat the water.

We surveyed the site and recommended a switch to a 34kw Thermotec Inverter heat pump.

FMS procured and installed the system and it is now fully commissioned and ready for use when the pool re opens soon.


Great to be able to help and to offer practical, cost saving solutions, with a positive environmental outcome too.

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